Monday, September 7, 2009

Megan Wants A Millionaire And I Love Money 3 Cancelled!!!???

Did you ever watch Megan Wants A Millionaire? or ever heard of a model named Jasmine Fiore that was murdered? Well this guy named Ryan Alexander Jenkins was on Megan Wants A Millionaire and also a suspect of model Jasmine Fiore murder. I read the story, (evidence) of what happened to Jasmine Fiore, and she was found straggled and stuffed In a suitcase. Jasmine Fiore body couldn't even be identified. So they had to use a serial number from her breast implants to identify her. Authorities felt that Mr. Jenkins was a person of interest, they felt he did the crime. I doubt they will put out every detail out on the case but from what I read I felt that they only had circumstantial evidence, and he did not have a trial. Unfortunately that will not happen because he was found dead his body was found hanging from the wall's clothes rack by a belt, and their was no suicide note found in the motel and It appeared to be a suicide, but It was not said an autopsy was performed. I don't know why he did the suicide but If he had been still alive and went to court I don't think he would have been charged with the allegations that we're made. First off he had money, lots of It, he could of afford one of the best lawyers and based on the evidence and just from what I read because I don't know If their was any addition evidence that was not put out their, but It wouldn't be hard to defend him In court and find him not guilty.   

They only seemed to target him, and not her ex-boyfriend? or that mysterious women that was last seen with Mr. Jenkins before he committed suicide and died, which maybe had information.  Ryan Jenkins dad said Jasmine Fiore would disappear for days at a time and lie about it to his son. If thats true she could have gotten In some trouble from where she could have possibly been and that could have resulted In her death. The one thing that weird was him committing suicide I don't understand why he did, It could be guilt or something he knows but I don't know. I guess I understand why Vh1 cancels both Megan Wants A Millionaire And I Love Money 3. After hearing about the suicide, Vh1 basically had no doubt In their mind that he probably committed the murder out of guilt. I send my condolences to the family. She was a beautiful model and didn't deserve what happened to her let her R.I.P.

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