Wednesday, June 16, 2010

HawthoRNe Is Back Ya'LL!!!!

It's about time that HawthoRNe Is back I been waiting and wondering when Is this show coming back and the delay was because of Jada husband Will Smith. For those who didn't know he had a lot of input into the  production of the second season and kept changing a lot of what was created. He wanted certain scenes to be more dramatic and etc. So he probably contributed the script and directed. I thought that the HawthoRNe producers were good and I'm sure that they didn't need help and did a great job and probably didn't need Will Smith's Input because of the first season which was great, but I'm not saying that his input would be terrible because after seeing some of the previews, It looks very interesting so I'm very excited to see HawthoRNe. Its On June.22,2010 Dont Miss It.     

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