Friday, November 11, 2011

Unfortunate Cancellation of Charlie's Angels 2011 TV Series

Unfortunately, what a lot of people anticipated except me what would happen; happened Charlie’s Angels will be cancelling. I do not like the fact that it is cancelling, but I don’t think there is anything I can do to stop it. If people make the effort, maybe a network doesn’t see a problem with Charlie’s Angels like other people do and take the show in to their network. I mean I know the ratings are not the best but maybe ABC is just not the right network for this show and it may be more successful on another network. The same thing with the TV series “The Game” I did not want to see it cancel and it did but moved to another network which was BET so, if there is people who like the show, fight for it and keep it on television. I think the reason people don’t like it is because there are probably comparing it to the original which makes sense because it is a remake but if you did not see the original you have nothing to compare it to and you might like it like I do. I just assume the older adults don’t like it, chances are the young teens and adults will like it and are most likely to watch it when it air, as opposed to the older people. Another thing is watch the full pilot and one full episode. I know a pilot has a major effect on a TV show because it could make or break you but the thing is a show could have a terrible pilot and a superb, first episode so people need to give a TV show a chance. I know people had comments on the acting and it kind of makes sense but "Charlies Angels" still kept my interest, the action and everything. I think the acting probably would've improved throughout the season. It doesn't matter anyway because the show is probably not coming back.

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